The 12th arrondissement of Paris is especially rich in green spaces. The Coulée Verte René-Dumont is one of the most unusual. A linear park built along a former railway line, its picturesque appeal is very much appreciated by visitors and locals alike. You can discover it just a few minutes from the Hotel L'Interlude.


The 12th arrondissement gives pride of place to nature

Located in the south-east of Paris, near the Bois de Vincennes, the 12th arrondissement boasts a wealth of parks, gardens and other verdant spaces. The Parisian districts of Bel-Air, Picpus, Bercy and the Quinze-Vingts have numerous attractive squares where it’s a delight to bask in the sun as summer brings even more loveliness to the capital. Far from the tumult of cars and noise pollution, this charming arrondissement offers unusual places for you to explore, such as the major artery called the Cours de Vincennes, and the Passage de la Voûte with its sculpture created by the students of the Lycée Chennevière Malézieux. Also off the beaten path and much loved by those who enjoy a walk amidst the blessings of nature, the Coulée Verte René-Dumont is an absolute joy. This former railway line, now abandoned, runs for a considerable distance above the Avenue Daumesnil. Nature now reigns supreme over viaducts, through tunnels and along cuttings. The 12th arrondissement is full of curious places of all types, such as passages, narrow alleys and unusual cul-de-sacs that offer an irresistible invitation to anyone who happily succumbs to the joys of urban exploration. The Pelouse de Reuilly and the Porte Dorée in particular have their dedicated fans. Located at the extremity of the Bois de Vincennes the Pelouse de Reuilly welcomes the venerable Foire du Trône, a wonderfully traditional family funfair, each year. 


Discovering the Coulée Verte Renée-Dumont

Formerly known as the Promenade Plantée, the Coulée Verte René-Dumont is a real curiosity in the heart of Paris. Created in 1988, it is a linear park located on the site of the old Vincennes railway line that dates back to the mid-19th century and which once linked the Place de la Bastille with Varenne-Saint-Maur and Verneuil-L'Étang. The line fell into disuse in 1969. Today it has stretches of landscaped gardens and sections which have deliberately been left to grow wild. Running for more than 4 kilometres between Bastille, Porte Dorée and Porte de Vincennes, the Coulée Verte has become one of the major attractions of the 12th arrondissement. It follows a viaduct some 7 metres above the Avenue Daumesnil, entirely turned over to pedestrians and cyclists, and has lovely gardens along the way, such as those of Hector-Malot, Charles-Péguy and the Gare de Reuilly, as well as great views of the city from well above street level. Come and explore the longest park in Paris, a haven of tranquillity amidst the bustle of the capital, bursting with lime and hazelnut trees, climbing plants and rosebushes.



Hôtel L'Interlude - Elegant and comfortable three star Hotel, Paris 12th district